Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A Long Time Coming....

Blogging and I have never gotten along well.  Especially with the addition of Raegan in the house....  Now, 14 weeks I am!  Geesh!  Heck of a way to keep track of a pregnancy, eh?  Good news is, I've been keeping a "secret" log of sorts, so I know what's been going on - just not posting it to the world!  I figure I can't keep today a secret though so I better get movin' and start a bloggin'!

Let me rewind a little....go back to about a month ago.  I was just over 14 weeks pregnant and we were visiting the beach....again....  (we do that a lot, but that's a whole different blog...)  I told Scott a few days before while we were home that we should hunt down a place that does gender ultrasounds to get an early idea of what we were having.  Waiting until 20 weeks just seemed too long!  Instead of looking into the idea and researching and finding a place at home, we woke up Saturday morning and on a whim decided that we would have that "early" ultrasound that day!  Now, mind you, this is VERY early to do gender prediction.  It can be done, but is tricky and can be incorrect.  We knew that going into it and explained to the people that it was fine and all in fun.  They normally don't try to predict gender until 16 weeks so I was a week and a half shy.  Figured we'd give it a go and hope little one cooperated.  It was fun and the staff (mom and daughter) were super sweet.  The place was ultra-comfortable and I couldn't have asked for a more pleasant experience.  We went for the "two-fer" package that gave us the gender prediction and another ultrasound when I'm around 28-30 weeks for 3D-4D fun!  

Wanna see what they found......

See what that says?  See the three little "lines"?  That means it's a hamburger :)  hehe  The tech was nervous to make the final call but said "If I didn't know how far along you were I would definitely guess girl".  She made no promises and we assured her that it was all in fun no matter what the next ultrasound said.  I never really told anyone about this ultrasound and never christened the baby as "baby girl" in my thoughts/mind/words.  Didn't want to be calling it a girl to the world if it wasn't....

Now we can fast-forward to today...  Today is our BIG level 2 ultrasound with gender :)  Yay!  Finally a confirmation and an identity to our little nut!  Scott says for the last week they are going to call boy even after the last one said girl.  I said boy all along, but shouldn't that lady know what she's talking about.....??  We'll see!

The ultrasound tech that is currently at my doctor's office is TERRIBLE!!  She is short, unfriendly, uninformative, and generally no fun!  What good is that when you're going to do something so exciting?!?!  NONE!  Same old, same old today.  Walks us in, I plop down and she tells me to lay back an unbutton.  "How do you do today yourself lady!"  Fine greeting and hey how are ya that was!

Ultrasound starts and well, finishes in less than 10 minutes!  So much for a fun exciting long and involved ultrasound.  No 3-D, no detail, no time, and 3 lousy pictures!  Wanna see those??

Take a close look.  Yeah, I know the foot one is upside down.  And yeah, I know the profile picture is terrible!  Didn't I warn you that the lady was no good?!?!  Oh, and what was that you say?  Huh?  My "girl" has a penis!!!!!!!!!  EEEKKKKKK!!  lol  lol  lol  lol

Apparently, when they say you need to wait until 16 weeks for gender results, there is a reason for that......  :)

So welcome baby boy with no name yet!  A girl name was easy.  Had that one solved before I even knew I was pregnant.  A boy name....well, that's been a bit of a challenge thus far.  I don't think any baby lived without a name for long so I'm sure we'll be able to come up with something grand....just give us a few minutes, or weeks, or maybe months...............