Friday, April 3, 2009

Belly Week 5

You will see a theme emerging for the rest of these 35 weeks of my pregnancy.  After the POAS (pee on a stick) photo shoot, I had a great idea to continue the theme throughout the rest of my pregnancy....hope you enjoy!  :)

April Fools....

Well, sort of....

So, April 1st is, of course, April Fool's Day (oh, and also Lincoln's Birthday - Happy Birthday Lincoln!).  I couldn't bare to pass this one up.

Why not play a prank on the family, right?  hahahaha......

We call up Tena and Rick and have the normal "chit chat".  Then Scott tells them I have something to say to them.  Raegan is on my lap at the time making a heck of a lot of racket and I'm just trying to have a normal convo to get started.  I finally say - "I can't believe I'm going to have to deal with another one of these monsters pretty soon..."  Silence.... "What!?!?  What did you say?!?  Say that again!"  Then I repeat.  

A jaw dropped, I'm almost sure...then the obvious - "Is this an April Fools joke?"  Well of course not!  Or is it?!?!?  Hahahaha

I broke down and told her it was just a joke before handing the phone back to Scott while I finished getting the two kiddos in bed.  When I come down the steps, he is still harassing her about due dates, names, plans, etc.  She is super-confused as whether to believe the story or not!!  LOL

At the end of the call, Scott says that she in no way believes anything that we've told her.  He "tried" to convince her we were serious but she wouldn't bite after I said it was a joke!  Perfect!  I don't want her to suspect a thing!!  Rick is a sport in the background and is going with the flow - not saying to much but I'm sure shaking his head and nodding while Tena is talking - the ever-supportive spouse :)  I don't think he is sure what to believe!!  

I guess they'll find out soon enough - we're in the "Countdown To Tell The Family" as we speak.  Sunday is D-Day for Dave and Margo, and then hopefully Friday will be the day for the Myrtle Beach folks....Duhn, Duhn, Duhn (impending music of doom...)  What will their reactions be?

To gage Tena's reaction from the prank - she will be super-excited to be Gigi yet again :)  Stay tuned for more!  Hoping to catch everyone's response on film or video!!  hehehe