Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Countdown to the first appointment

My first OB appointment was scheduled today....mark your calendars....

April 23rd at 3:30 pm

Confirmatory Ultrasound and Dr. Sharawy


Stay tuned for the first pictures of our pumpkin seed....

To Tell Or Not To Tell...

....That is the question.

When we found out we were pregnant with Raegan, I had every intention of holding in the news as long as possible.  Not that I wasn't thrilled, but telling your family that you're pregnant...I don't know...something about that spells awkward to me.  Scott on the other hand, busts as the seams to tell people!

I told him some time ago that when we got pregnant again, I would like to tell people in person the news.  Sounded like a good idea at the time, right?  lol  I'm totally nervous about the whole concept now that the time has come to make the decision but I think it will be fun.  The plan - maybe have the kids wear a big brother and big sister shirt?  I don't know...we're working on the details, but the ball is rolling.  Scott's dad is coming into town on Sunday and his Mom is coming to pick up Grant on Wednesday.  Then, we're headed to the beach on Friday with Raegan to tell the rest of the family!  What an Easter surprise this will be!!!

The kids - although I was a little apprehensive about telling Grant at first, Scott convinced me it was the best.  I really wanted to tell him but I think he is going to be so excited about this that it's going to slip....that's ok though :)  I'm am thrilled that he is excited to be a big brother again.  You should have saw the smirk on his face when we told him!  He was trying to use everything in his power to hide a smile!  lol  When his daddy was convincing him that it might be a baby brother, well, that all you had to tell him!  He is crossing his fingers for that!  I guess 3 sisters is enough for him!  hahaha  I "explained" to Raegan that I had a baby in my belly this morning.  She was definitely puzzled but smiling when she lifted my shirt, stuck her finger in my belly button and said, "baby"!  Yes, peanut, your baby is in there.....

So, with the family on hold and the kids told....it's time to spill the beans to everyone we can think of that won't let the news leak!  Maybe the parents will hate us for being the last to know?!?!  Eh, how could they???  Another baby on the way!  Come on guys!  Good news is good news no matter when you get it!  Everyone is excited for us too.  The more people we tell, the more excited we get too!  I was even happy to tell the scheduling lady at the OB!  hahaha

Our Surprise!!!!

Thursday, March 26 (evening) - It's Thursday night...another TV night for me and Scott.  I got the kids to bed on time and we settled down to watch some of our usual Thursday night drama.  *man* Pain...stomach, back.....oh darn!  Time for Mother Nature to visit again!  I go up to the bathroom and prepare for another month of discomfort...

Friday, March 27 - Oh blood, where are you?  Scott and I took the kids to Greenville.  Scott had to do some work in the area so the rest of the family tagged along to shop.  I took the kids to the mall and we did some browsing for new pants for Grant and then went to the play place after stopping in various stores like Journeys Kids (adorable shoes in there).  I'm still feeling crampy but don't put any protection in place because I figure I'll "know it when I need it".  

Saturday, March 28 - Hide and seek is not a fun game....Russell and April come into town to enjoy a basketball game with us.  We send the kids to the babysitters and off we go to enjoy a night out.  The Bobcats WIN over the Knicks (does that mean anything to anyone?) and we head to McCormick and Schmicks to eat some amazingly yummy yet surprisingly expensive dinner.  We all laughed until we cried at the drunk man stuffing oranges in his pants and enjoying Russell's "finger-lickin' good" mashed potatoes!  Home for the kiddos and off to bed.  Oh, and did I mention....still no blood?!?!  Today I decide to seriously mention that I am a bit nervous about my "lateness"....Scott shrugs and chalks it up to February being a short month!  Good point!  Maybe I'm not late!

Sunday, March 29 (afternoon) - Ok, enough of the joking already!  While Rusell is still in town we all vote for a trip to the mall to upgrade Grant's wardrobe and buy anything else we might find of interest.  We managed to find tons of goodies at Gap Kids and dropped a pretty penny - but the kids look great!  Then to Borders where Scott spoiled me with a few new photography books!  Raegan is running a fever now (aaww...poor girl) and we need to stop and get some Motrin and a few other supplies for the week ahead.  I think we're convinced it's probably time to POAS.  We head to the POAS isle and Grant watches as we throw a 2-pack in the buggy.  He grabs it and we laugh..."What's that for Grant?"  He says "To see if you have a fever."  lol  Yeah, something like that!

Sunday, March 29 (night) - The kids are tucked into bed and I'm warming up the oven to make some pizza for a snack.  I am going to pee on the floor if I don't go, so I grab the stick, Scott, and head for the bedroom.  Scott paces in the bedroom while I head to the potty....stage fright!  If I pee on this stick and it's positive, our world is going to change!  That's a lot of weight on a person's shoulders just to pee....  I convince myself that one way or another I'm going to have to find out so I mind and well just go with it.  I pee and run like the wind to the bedroom to watch.  Scott and I sat together and waited....for only about 10 seconds actually....yep, confirmed....


Needless to say, the pizza waited a little while...  Shock, well that is a good way to describe the initial feelings.  We just kept staring at that little stick.  A little plastic stick and some pee and our lives are changed forever.  Amazing, isn't it?    Pregnant.......

Back up a few weeks earlier.  We are sitting on the couch talking about our family and it's dynamics.  We have been tossing the idea around of adding on for a few months but neither of us were on the same page at the same time.  We talked about the time we are able to give to the two kids now and the opportunities we can provide for each of them.  We both are in the "greenish" area for wanting another child but decide that with the plans this year to pay off some debt and other things we are working on, we should wait.  lol  Never say wait I guess!